Merging of two companies to create ‘one-stop shop’ for building and testing of aerospace and defense systems
Author: Ben Sampson
Loyal wingman drone
Engineers at Boeing have started flight testing the second 777X airplane. Piloted by Captain Ted Grady,…
Grounded aircraft could be turned into hyperbaric oxygen chambers to treat Covid-19 patients if clinical…
Home-working during lockdown may result in some companies changing their way of working forever, believes Roger Assaker from MSC Software
Flight test engineers have used the real-time link to monitor, collect and analyse flight test data 1600 miles away
Airbus is developing a modification for A330 and A350 family aircraft which will enable airlines…
Industrial consortium wants to advance standards for predicted multi-billion sector
Major aircraft manufacturers are taking radical steps to deal with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic while flight test programs and aircraft development continues
MC-21-300 resumes flight testing program