DroneUp picks Iris’ Casia G detect and avoid tech for BVLOS delivery operations
Author: Ben Sampson
40% scale powered model of the Jet eVTOL aircraft is being tested at German-Dutch Wind Tunnel facility in the Netherlands
The Ministry of Defence site Boscombe Down is steeped in UK military aerospace history. It…
ZeroAvia is planning the Q400’s first test flight for next year
Explorer aircraft will be used this year to test ways of optimizing flight paths with ANSPs
Study shows solar-powered airship and three day route would dramatically reduce CO2 emissions
Flight tests in the first section of the 165 mile long BVLOS corridor in the UK are planned for the coming months
Aeralis to work with SDTS to explore collaborating on light jet services to French pilot training
Aerojet Rocketdyne has also completed upgrading work on RS-25 for Artemis III crewed Moon mission
Airbus China Research Center will conduct R&D on manufacturing and hydrogen fuel