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As the F-35 Lightning II completes a raft of flight test trials, Aerospace Testing International takes an exclusive look at the involvement of the Integrated Test Force (ITF) in this stage of the fighter’s complex multirole development

In a new series, Aerospace Testing International talks to chief test pilots about themselves, their experiences, their projects and their achievements. First in the captain’s seat is Peter Chandler, chief test pilot for Airbus

Composite wings offer savings in weight, assembly effort and maintenance, but their novelty means they are subjected to a far more rigorous test regime than conventional metal airfoils

High-speed photography remains a vital tool in stores separation testing. Digital cameras are increasingly the norm, and the photography itself is now used in combination with sophisticated computer analysis

Inside the KTV – the flight test office responsible for evaluating all new equipment and modifications for the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) F-16 fleet

How do you test composites? More than just ‘black metal’, these new materials require, and deserve, a whole new approach that takes into account their unique properties

With the first demonstration race having successfully taken place in Spain, Air Race F1 is now set to become a World Series in 2015. We talk to the pilots and the organizer