The world of test, especially the one of avionic testing, is moving from proprietary solutions developed by integrator or test system providers to environments more and more based on standards. This tendency is strongly induced by the budget and cycle reduction reinforced in all the aeronautic industry.
The adoption of standards will drastically reduce the software development efforts needed by allowing models and tools sharing between different entities, limiting the consequences of the hardware obsolescence, and facilitating the distributed test. As a result, the global cost of the resources involved will be reduced and the integration tests will happen earlier in the development cycle.
This webinar provides an overview of two examples of such emerging protocols:
– iDDS (Instrumentation Data Distribution System)
– VISTAS (Virtual Interoperable Simulation for Tests of Avionics Systems)
You will learn:
– The benefits of remote and virtual testing in a post-pandemic world
– The cost and time saving associated with the reduction of equipment and resources
– The use of standards to drive vendor innovation and protection from obsolescence.

Christian Herbepin

Erik Goethert